Purgatory Parkway.

an ongoing study of landscape and time along the interstates connecting Sin City and the City of Angeles.

Interstate 15 traverses the heart of the Mojave, and for the better part of 2019 and 2020, I’ve made the drive countless times. The beautiful but unforgiving landscape of the high desert can be borrowed but never truly possessed, evident by the many structures of a past time, imminently damned to ruin. On the open road here, time tends to feel both sped up and terribly slow and between every trip I make, things change - sometimes rather drastically. ⁣For me, the run can be occasionally excruciating while other times I find solace in the terrain and palette. Depending on time of day and time of year, daylight plays off of each subject drastically different. I’ve made the trip early and late and every hour in between - sometimes by choice, sometimes out of obligation.


Neon and Hot Dust


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